I had been reading about young kids earning top-notch dollars on the internet. I'm as human(greedy) as the next person, and decided to try it. Contary to popular believe there seemed to be no information on making money on the net. That is the honest way not through chain-letters or stuff.
I came across many(countless) articles saying or encouraging others to send $1 dollar to certain address. Alright now, lets not get side-tracked.
My goal is to provide you the know-how to create some side-line money legally. Your VERY OWN FREE money making business with your simple PC.� I will help you do so free of charge!!!!!! I will provide you only free sites!
You might be wondering as to how much you need to pay for this information.
ITS FREE!!100%FREE!!NO GIMMICKS!! Why? Because, like you, I am sick of people jerking me around!
I have cut this up to TWO SIMPLE sections. (By the way if you noticed the lack of graphics or sound or frames, its because I don't like them as it wastes my time
Each time I visit somebody's webpage. Since I don't like to view them myself why do I have to make you waste your time?!?!)
The Basics!���.You don't have a website, absolutely nothing to start with�!
This will teach you get free email accounts, free webspace, some basic knowledge in starting up your webpage(I really hated it when people were very vague about showing me how to), add ons like counters, guestbooks and stuff like that. So that you'd be on your way to making money!
Making the Money.
In this section I've narrowed down for you sites that are free and at the same time will get you the extra money you need!
Pls bookmark this site before you start.